September TASK: Anti-Abuse and Abuse Operations
Join us for our next TASK live and in-person on Wednesday, September 27th!
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Room 116, Wallberg Building, 184 College Street., University of Toronto
Register: Not required
Speaker: Allan Stojanovic
Topic: Anti-Abuse and Abuse Operations
When we talk about "abuse", we use the term as shorthand for the much more encompassing "Abuse, Misuse, Malice and Fraud".
We are going to talk about three facets of abuse. Abuse that happens when using online services "as-is" or as designed, Abuse that happens by taking advantage of flaws in business logic, and abuse that happens post-exploitation of a vulnerability. We are then going to talk about determining intent. Sometimes it is obvious, and sometimes it is not. And then we will talk about what an Abuse Operations program needs to be able to do, and how an Abuse Operations team fits into the corporate infrastructure and overlaps with some of the more traditional security groups.
This talk is about defining language and providing perspective on an area of security that may not be getting the correct level of attention, and often does not get an appropriate level of prioritization. As such, it is accessible to all.
We look forward to see you all then,
The TASK Steering Committee