August TASK: Black Hat / Defcon recap
Join us for our next TASK live and in-person on Wednesday, August 30th!
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: BA 1130, Bahen Centre, 40 St. George St., UofT
Register: Not required
Speaker: Multiple speakers
Topic: Summary of topics and activities at BH/DC 2023 USA
Hello TASK!
If you attend talks / events at the 2023 Black Hat, Defcon or BSides Las Vegas conferences, we invite you to share what you learned with the security community!
August TASK is our ever-popular Black Hat / Defcon recap featuring your fellow TASKers presenting a short summary of what they learned this year.
This is a great opportunity to promote yourself, give back to the community and add a speaking bullet to your resume! Your talk summary can take roughly 10 minutes each. Feel free to cover more than one topic of interest.
Please let us know as soon as possible if you plan to present. Contact us at with:
• Your name
• Short blurb of what you want to talk about and / or a link to the talk or event from 2023 Black Hat / Defcon.
We look forward to see you all then,
The TASK Steering Committee