March and April TASK events have been cancelled.

TASK exists to provide a monthly facility for members of the security community to share information, connect with one another, network and continue to build the security community in Toronto.

That said, the health and safety of our members is of paramount importance.

As the world struggles to contain and manage COVID-19, the current guidance from health authorities is to practice “social distancing” and to avoid large gatherings. Certainly getting 150 or so professionals together to share a pizza and some good security information would not be consistent with this advice.

So in an effort to keep everyone safe and healthy, we’ll be taking this month and the next off and continuing to monitor the situation. We hope the group will be able to resume in May or June. Until then, keep safe and keep healthy!

The TASK Steering Committee


July TASK: Crossing the Widening Security Gaps in Canada / TASK Us Anything Panel


February TASK: Security Checkpoints for Agile Engineering / Machines that Fight