February TASK: Cloud uptake exposes major security challenges in Canada / What I learned about infosec as a cybersecurity blogger
Wednesday 27-February-2019 // 6:00 - 9:00 PMMeeting Location: Michener Auditorium at UHN, 222 St. Patrick Street, Toronto
February TASK
Speaker: David SenfTopic: Cloud uptake exposes major security challenges in CanadaSecurity skills, budget allocation, vendor/tools selection and architectures are being reshaped by rapid cloud adoption - and many organizations struggle to keep pace with the change. David Senf, founder of Cyverity Research, conducted in-depth surveys and analysis to help organizations measure the impact of cloud on these and many aspects of security. He'll highlight 10 major challenges that his team's research revealed. He'll provide guidance organizations can take through 2019. Also, from his research into cloud impact on security vendors/providers, he'll provide insights from their perspective too.Speaker: Kim CrawleyTopic: What I learned about infosec as a cybersecurity bloggerFor the past few years, I have regularly done research and writing for many popular cybersecurity vendor blogs, including Venafi, Cylance ThreatVector, Sophos Naked Security, Tripwire's The State of Security, and Comodo's blogs. I don't think anyone has written for as many cybersecurity vendors simultaneously as I have. I have also written for 2600 Magazine, Infosecurity Magazine, Peerlyst, CSO Magazine, and SC Magazine. Unlike many people who are security practitioners first, and contribute to vendor blogs in their spare time, vendor blogs are my day job! I usually write for an IT audience, but I have also written for consumer laypeople. In my talk, I'll explain what I've learned about how vendors market their products and services, how to explain cyber attacks and security hardening to non-infosec IT people, and how to explain cyber threats to laypeople. The threat landscape is becoming increasingly complex, and the communications side of their industry is becoming more, and more challenging.
Meeting Location: Michener Auditorium, 222 St. Patrick Street, Toronto.