August TASK - BlackHat, DefCon, BSidesLV Recap
Wednesday 29-August-2018 // 6:00 - 9:00 PMMeeting Location: Michener Auditorium at UHN, 222 St. Patrick Street, Toronto
TASK Vegas
This month we have our ever-popular Vegas recap special being at the Michener Auditorium at UHN.If you attended BlackHat, DefCon or BSidesLV - this is your chance to help your fellow TASK members by sharing a summary and some key lessons you learnt from a couple of different talks. If you went and can help us, please email with the session/s you want to cover.As always, TASK is free, registration is not required to attend, and we invite you to bring your friends and colleagues.Thanks for your help, and we look forward to seeing you there!
Download the presentation here.
BlackHat/DefCon/BSides-LV RecapSpeakers include:
- Joshua Arsenio
- Brian Bourne
- Dillon Aykac
- Geoffrey Vaughan
- Paul O'Grady
Topics include:
- Who Controls the Controllers - Hacking Crestron IoT Automation Systems
- Detecting Blue Team Research Through Targeted Ads
- Applied Self-Driving Car Security
- Legal Liability for IOT Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities
- Introduction to Docker
- An Attacker Looks at Docker: Approaching Multi-Container Applications
- Optical Spy Receivers with Joe Grand
- Reverse Engineering OpenSCAD
- Your Bank's Digital Side Door - Steven Danneman
- Subverting Sysmon: Application of a Formalized Security Product Evasion Methodology
And many more!
Meeting Location: Michener Auditorium, 222 Patrick Street, Toronto.