June TASK: Recent Development in Quantum Key Distribution / Cyber Threat Intelligence: A Primer

Wednesday 27-June-2018 // 6:00 - 9:00 PMMeeting Location: Michener Auditorium at UHN, 222 St. Patrick Street, Toronto


This month we welcome Cordell Grant with a talk on Quantum Key Distribution and John Daniele with a session on cyber threat intelligence at the Michener Auditorium at UHN.As always, TASK is free, registration is not required to attend, and we invite you to bring your friends and colleagues.Any questions email info@task.to. We look forward to seeing you there!

Speaker: Cordell GrantTopic: Recent Development in Quantum Key DistributionMassive investments in quantum computing and quantum communications are moving society toward technological upheaval. To the dismay of the cyber security industry, the impending Quantum Revolution will render conventional Public Key Encryption methods obsolete, possibly within the decade. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), conceived of decades ago and often billed as an answer to the looming quantum threat is an area that has recently experienced rapid development and significant worldwide investment. This talk will cover recent efforts around the world to build a workable QKD infrastructure that can address a variety of use-cases. Of particular focus will be the emerging race for QKD satellites. Speaker: John DanieleTopic: Cyber Threat Intelligence: A PrimerThe term "Cyber Threat Intelligence" has become the latest buzzword that has captured the attention of executives and cybersecurity leaders alike. However, there's been little consensus on what constitutes a cyber threat intelligence capability and most attempts to articulate a definition are too vague and ambiguous to be of much value to most organizations. This presentation aims to clear up some misconceptions about cyber threat intelligence and place it in its rightful context as an emerging intelligence discipline. John Daniele, a cybersecurity professional with over 20 years experience in defense and intelligence, will provide insight on how an organization can build a cyber threat intelligence program by introducing his threat intelligence maturity model and roadmap. John will also explore how to operationalize threat intelligence at both a tactical and strategic level so that it becomes a pivotal instrument for cyber risk management in your organization.
Meeting Location: Michener Auditorium, 222 Patrick Street, Toronto.

July TASK: Threat Modelling for the Blue Team / Surviving in-house Bug Bounty Program - Handling the Unknown


May TASK: Reverse Engineering Automotive Diagnostics / Cyber Insurance in Canada - What You Need to Know