September TASK: Growing Up and Out of the Sandbox: Examining information security beyond the micro-technical lens / Building machine-learning pipelines at scale
Wednesday 27-September-2017 // 6:00 - 9:00 PMMeeting Location: 55 John Street, TorontoRoom: #308/309 (up the escalators)
September TASK
This month we have Alana Staszczyszyn examining information security beyond the micro-technical lens and Roy Firestein discussing building machine-learning pipelines at scale.As always, TASK is free, registration is not required to attend, and we invite you to bring your friends and colleagues.Any questions email We look forward to seeing you there!
Alana StaszczyszynGrowing Up and Out of the Sandbox: Examining information security beyond the micro-technical lensInformation security’s primary principle is no secret: that the human is the security’s greatest threat. One young security student’s journey through Ontario’s home and community care sector examines the human aspect of fostering security from within the organization - as well as beyond the office. Between discovering the criminal treasure trove that is electronic health records, struggling to communicate the importance of security to colleagues amidst stringent deadlines, and grappling with acquiring organizational buy-in, this story illuminates how exactly interest can be won by those who are not security, or even IT professionals - and how they, as both employees and consumers, have the potential to be leveraged to cultivate security as a larger social responsibility.Alana Staszczyszyn is an admittedly inexperienced but wholly enthusiastic information security analyst in the public healthcare sector, and is currently completing a degree in Information Systems Security. Her passion for security is propagated by its wide breadth of intersectionality with other fields of study. Particularly, she loves to examine the social, political, and economic implications that technology and security create.
Roy FiresteinBuilding machine-learning pipelines at scaleRoy Firestein, R&D Manager at eSentire, will talk about how his company deployed a machine-learning pipeline, with feedback loops, on AWS, to detect post-exploitation attacks using logs from Active Directory and endpoint agents. He will share the architectural decisions and walk us through the implementation, deployment automation and tools used in the project. By the end attendees will learn how to approach similar projects in their own companies, when to use hosted machine-learning tools or run your own, and common pitfalls to avoid.Meeting Location: 55 john Street, Toronto. Room: #308/309 (just up the escalators)