April TASK: The State of Security in Canada / Tales from NorthSec

Wednesday 26-April-2017 // 6:00 - 9:00 PMMeeting Location: 55 John Street, TorontoRoom: #308/309 (Top of escalators)

April TASK

This month we have David Senf hosting a session on the state of security in Canada, and Pierre-David Oriol, Daniel Boteanu, and Marc-Etienne M.Léveillé providing insights into their NorthSec capture the flag competition.As always, TASK is free, registration is not required to attend, and we invite you to bring your friends and colleagues.Any questions email info@task.to. We look forward to seeing you there!

David Senf, IDC CanadaTASK on the State of Security in Canada: Survey Says!IDC and TASK ran a survey of TASK members to learn how new and old security challenges alike are being tackled. We asked about budgets, headcount, weaknesses, breaches suffered, investment plans and other factors that help assess security maturity. Discover what plans your peers have in 2017 to improve security at their own organization or at their clients. David Senf, VP of Infrastructure and Cloud will walk you through your survey results and pepper in market data for additional context. You may cry a little. But each tear brings us closer to better security.
Pierre-David Oriol, Daniel Boteanu, Marc-Etienne M.LéveilléTales from NorthSec, World’s largest on-site Capture-The-FlagNorthSec is a registered not-for-profit organization from Montreal that runs the NorthSec conference and the World’s largest on-site Capture-The-Flag "CTF" competition sporting more than 400 participants. This presentation will explore several topics around our capture the flag and briefly present what is confirmed for 2017.First, we will explore three challenges from the Forensic track: employee stealing secret information, forged expense report and spear-phishing with complete takeover of internal network. All inspired from actual investigations, we will show the step-by-step on how to solve the challenges by analyzing the provided disk images, memory images and network captures.Other areas related to the CTF will be discussed: how to balance a CTF for beginners and experts, how to run a "nothing-shared" infrastructure based on Linux containers for a 330+ people on-site competition and how to scale a sourdough bread-making operation. Furthermore, we will share our experience making 600 hardware badges with an ARM CPU and Bluetooth chip.Meeting Location: 55 john Street, Toronto. Room: #308/309 (top of escalators)

May TASK: Surviving the Disaster - Secrets of a Successful Incident Response / Legal Perspectives on Data Breaches


March TASK - How to Plan a Purple Team Exercise / Compliant Operations in an aaS World