April TASK - Cyber Monitoring and ?aaS
Wednesday 29-April-2015 // 6:00 - 9:00 PMBUILDING: Telus Building25 York Street, 3rd Floor(Room 003-031 Spirited Teamwork)
TOPIC: Cymon: New Cyber Monitoring Tool SPEAKER: Roy FiresteinIn this talk Roy Firestein will debut his new Cyber Monitor tool, Cymon. It is the largest tracker of open-source security reports on malware, botnets, phishing and other malicious activities. Cymon ingests over 50K events and 15K unique IP’s per day from almost 200 sources across the Internet to build a threat profile and timeline for IP’s, Domains and URLs.Roy will demonstrate some of the system’s capabilities and show examples of how you can use Cymon to research suspected malicious sources. If time will permit, he will also talk about the architecture and lessons learned when building a scalable system for big data analysis.
TOPIC: Covering Your ?aaS: New Security Challenges in Cloud SPEAKER: Brian BournePockets of various SaaS applications are popping up in your enterprise. You'd love to build your next generation of applications on a PaaS offering. The agility, consumption pricing model and functionalty of IaaS all look compelling. Who takes responsibility for security in this new world? What are the key areas to focus on building or updating your security strategy and plan? Where should you start? I'm hoping to spark a lively discussion on everything from single sign on to patching strategies that we can continue on over a post-TASK pint.PDFSource: task