Winning (and Keeping) Your Dream Job

April TASK Meeting - Winning (and Keeping) Your Dream Job

27 April 2011; 6:00 - 9:00 PMHealth Science Centre, 155 College Street, Room 610

The so-called "soft skills" (non-technical skills that facilitate good interpersonal relationships) tend to be misunderstood and undervalued in the IT and information security communities.  The April TASK event will introduce you to market leaders who will provide you with the insight to successfully enter and succeed in the information security job force.Session 1:  Entering the Security Workforce Cindy Watral - Recruitment Manager, Nexus Group Harry Benz - Recuritment, Montgomery Benz Glenn Williamson - Director, Security Operations, Sentry Metrics Robert Beggs - DigitalDefence (Moderator)The opening panel will discuss the present job situation for security specialists in Canada (and the GTA), and will then specifically speak to:

  • Identifying and developing the critical skill set that's in demand
  • Working with recruiters
  • Writing your resume for a security job (including the "forbidden sins")
  • Interviews, and what will set you apart (in a "good way")
  • Salary and other compensations
  • Negotiating strategies, and working towards the "win-win"
  • What should you do after you get your job?
  • Networking - online, and "old school" personal communications

Because it's a panel discussion, you not only get to hear from the guests, but there will be plenty of opportunity for comments from the floor, as peers share their own experiences!

Session 2:  Certifications and CoursesJason Lam, Canadian FI and SANS InstructorJason has agreed to take the bull by the horns, and lead the discussion on certifications and career training.  What certifications do you really need?  What is a good training course?  How do you stay relevant in a field that is changing so quickly? Jason will provide his insight as an industry leader in the GTA.So, bring your resumes (there will be recruiters, and people looking to hire) and your questions.  But come early, as this will likely be one of the busiest events of the year!Source: task  


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