15min SpeedTalks - September 30, 2009
Topic: SpeedTalks.Ms. Mary-Lynn Manton and several students will be presenting a brief overview of the information security program at Seneca College, and some of the research that they have been conducting.Mr. Eldon Sprickerhoff, will be presenting: The Rumours of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated - Redeeming NIDS in the Corporate EnvironmentMr. Serge Gorbunov, speaking on the Canadian Honeynet ProjectMr. Colin McGregor, speaking on Damn Vulnerable LinuxMr. Byron Sonne and Jeremy Richards will talk on “Hacking Public Opinion”Mr. Chris Kulbakas will be speaking on formal methods and PAM for LinuxMr. Feroz Hyder will speak about academic security in a college environmentIf you have an idea for a talk, please email us at info_at_task_dot_to Source: task