Testing your network with BackTrack4 - April 29, 2009

Topic: Testing your network with BackTrack 4 Speaker: Jeremy RichardsBacktrack 4 Beta was released at shmoocon this year... seven days later over 50,000 copies have been downloaded! If you're not using Backtrack 4 yet come find out what you're missing in this fast paced technical talk.Jeremy Richards from NCI will be providing demos on using the new tools for Information Discovery, Recon, Network Mapping, Vulnerability Identification, Exploitation and Privilege Escalation.

  • Automatic pwnage with Fasttrack
  • Leading edge information retrieval & visualization with Maltego
  • because it still works, dnsenum
  • forced browsing gets me something everytime, DirBuster
  • make beautiful webapp hacking music with w3af, an instrument worth learning to play.

We'll also cover the changes from Backtrack 3 -> 4, how to customize your version of backtrack, how to get advanced help with it.Source: task


Corporate Espionage & Windows 7 Security - May 27, 2009


SQL Server Security & WhiteListing - March 25, 2009