February TASK: Securing Active Directory

Speakers: Sean Deuby, Alexandra Weaver and Doug Davis
Topic: How to Secure Active Directory: Best Practices for Detection, Remediation & Recovery

For the past quarter century, identity in the enterprise has been synonymous with Microsoft Active Directory (AD). Therefore, AD is almost always involved in a cyberattack—either as the target or as a route to the target. Moreover, vulnerabilities accumulate over time, making it highly susceptible to threat actor TTPs. And once compromised, AD is extraordinarily difficult to recover.

Join 15-time Microsoft MVP Sean Deuby, Principal Technologist, Alexandra Weaver, Solution Architect and Doug Davis, Senior Solutions Architect all from Semperis for a review of the top vulnerabilities in AD, how to mitigate them, and the complications of AD recovery. Further:

  • Discover the most common AD vulnerabilities and misconfigurations

  • Learn why AD is the cyber kill chain’s weakest link, exploited in virtually every modern attack

  • See how new disaster recovery technologies automate the recovery of complex systems, facilitate recovery to the cloud, and eliminate the risk of reinfection from system state and bare-metal backups

  • Learn how to use free tools to reduce your AD attack surface

Speaker bios:

Sean Deuby brings more than 30 years’ experience in enterprise IT and hybrid identity to his role as Semperis' Principal Technologist, North America. An original architect and technical leader of Intel's Active Directory and a 15-time MVP alumnus, Sean has been involved with Microsoft identity technology since its inception.

Alexandra Weaver has twenty years’ experience supporting Active Directory in a wide variety of organizations, from government to some of the world's best-known companies. After 8 years supporting the Bureau of Land Management's Active Directory, she moved to Intel to support their worldwide corporate and manufacturing forests. After some time in financial services IT, she moved to Nike where she also supported their worldwide production forest. Active Directory is Alexandra’s first tech passion, and she enjoys deep diving into it as associated technologies continue to evolve.

Doug Davis, for over 20 years, has been immersed in the Microsoft ecosystem working on delivering security, migration, management and analytic products that help customers secure, enhance and make more valuable their investment in Active Directory and Azure Active Directory, Office and related products at such companies as Semperis, Quest, and Dell Software.

Don’t forget to register for the webinar now (free) to ensure you get access on the night:


We look forward to see you all then,
The TASK Steering Committee


March TASK: Building ML into Security Threat Detection: From Hadoop to ChatGPT


January TASK: Incident Investigation from the Frontline